Multidisciplinary Creative

Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey?

Confidence. Determination. Discipline. This all works hand-in-hand. I’m a Leo hahaha, it’s very natural for me to be a confident person. However, in times where I felt like I wasn’t good enough for a gig or my dreams, I had to remind myself to hone back to that energy. People can see and feel if you are not self-assured. Then, grounding myself in my own determination to reach my goals really allowed me to fully submerge in the manifestation that everything I ever wanted would eventually come. And with that, it took discipline, which is the hardest skill to obtain and remain consistent in. Without the discipline and the work to get you to your goals, you are just confidently determined to reach your goal through delusion. Every day counts, every action matters. Even on the days you don’t want to do anything, focus on the little things. Even on the days when you’re overwhelmed with what is going on, focus on what you can control. You are always exactly where you need to be, and if you feel like you’re not, do something about it.

A lot of these skills take time and patience. But they all start with believing in yourself to be enough. And you all are.

Read more about me in my most recent interview with Bold Journey.

*Sprite Spotlight interview also available upon request